Comprehensive car insurance—what is it & where to get it…

Want to make sure your car is properly insured? Comprehensive car insurance is the way to go. Here’s what you need to know and how to get insured.
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So, comprehensive means “Including everything”, but we all know that there’s no such thing as insurance that covers EVERYTHING, don’t we?

If that’s the case, then what exactly is comprehensive car insurance and what does it cover?

Here are the answers you need.



Comprehensive car insurance

What is comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance is the most inclusive type of car insurance policy. It covers claims against most risks. Like accidents, theft, fire, third-party liability, even weather-related damage and more. Whereas, other insurance options like third-party or third-party, fire, and theft policies only cover some of these risks.

Q&A graphic explaining what comprehensive car insurance is.


Some people talk about “full comprehensive insurance.”

What is it? Full comprehensive insurance is the same as comprehensive car insurance. Some insurers like to add the “full” to emphasise that it’s insurance that covers almost every type of risk.

📖 Related content: How much is car insurance in South Africa?


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Let’s compare the different insurance types to let it sink in…


Where to get comprehensive car insurance quotes

Here’s a list of established comprehensive car insurance providers. If you want to get a quote, do some homework and compare the companies, then you can get a quote or sign up online.


*Note: this list is in no particular order.

It may be worth learning about the different types of insurance before you get your quote… so let’s go over what’s available in South Africa.


Different types of car insurance

In South Africa, car insurance comes in three primary categories. Comprehensive-, third-party-, and third-party, fire, and theft insurance. Each with varying levels of protection and cost. 

Different types of car insurance:

  • Third-party insurance
  • Third-party, fire, and theft insurance
  • Comprehensive car insurance


Third-party insurance: This is the most basic form of car insurance. It covers damage to other people’s property or injuries to other people in an accident. But, it does not cover the insurance holder’s car.

Third-party, fire, and theft insurance: Like third-party insurance, but with more coverage. It includes the same benefits as third-party insurance but also covers the insurance holder’s car if it is stolen (theft) or damaged by fire (fire). It still does not cover damage from accidents, except to damage to others (third parties).

Comprehensive car insurance: This is the most complete form of coverage. It includes everything covered by third-party, fire, and theft insurance, and also covers any damage to the insurance holder’s car. Regardless of who is at fault.

Overview of different types of car insurance in South Africa.


Let’s compare these three types of insurance.


Difference between comprehensive & third-party car insurance

Let’s look at a few scenarios to better understand the differences between comprehensive car insurance and other types.


Examples of comprehensive cover vs other types of car insurance
Scenario Comprehensive insurance Third-party, fire, and theft insurance Third-party insurance
Accident with another vehicle Covers damage to both your car and the other vehicle Covers damage to the other vehicle but not to your car Covers damage to the other vehicle but not to your car
Someone steals the car Covers the theft of your car Covers the theft of your car Does not cover
Weather damage from a hailstorm Covers the damage from the hailstorm Does not cover Does not cover
Vandalism Covers damage from vandalism Does not cover Does not cover
Hitting a tree Covers damage to the car Does not cover Does not cover


 Okay, so comprehensive cover offers the most protection for a range of scenarios. That’s cool. Wanna know exactly what is covered?

I’ll tell you.


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What does comprehensive car insurance cover?

Comprehensive car insurance provides broad protection against most risks.

Comprehensive car insurance covers:

  • Accidents
  • Theft
  • Fire
  • Natural disasters
  • Vandalism
  • Falling objects
  • Animal collisions


Accidents: Damage from collisions and crashes. Whether with another car or something else.

Theft: Protection against someone stealing the car.

Fire: Coverage for damage or loss due to fire.

Natural disasters: Protection from weather-related incidents. Things like hail, floods, and storms.

Vandalism: Coverage for intentional damage caused by others.

Falling objects: Covers damage caused by falling objects like tree branches or debris.

Animal collisions: Covers incidents where animals may damage the vehicle on the road.


Comprehensive car insurance typically comes with an excess fee. Which means that the insurance customer (that’s you)  must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in.

The fee varies depending on the terms of the policy and can affect your premium costs.

Overall, the point of insurance is to protect the customer against unexpected costs (or risks). And comprehensive car insurance does it better than any other type.

If you want coverage to extend to your car’s tyres…Some comprehensive policies include tyre and rim coverage, while others my offer tyre insurance as an add-on

📖 Related content: How to claim on insurance


In summary

Want to protect yourself against as many things as possible? Get comprehensive car insurance.

It may cost more, but for most insured South Africans, it’s worth it.

Third-party-, and third-party, fire, and theft insurance help a little. But accidents happen. What if someone who doesn’t have insurance hits your car?

In that case, you’ll have to cough up all the money to repair the damage or get a new car.

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